





Two-Factor Authentication

What is Two-Factor Authentication?

Boost your account security with our 2-factor authentication feature! In addition to your username and password, you’ll need another layer of protection for a successful login. This extra step makes logging into the NetConfig Control Panel and webmail a breeze, all while ensuring top-notch security. Simply put, a unique code is generated by a smartphone app and changes every few minutes. To access the NetConfig Control Panel or webmail, all you need is your smartphone with the app at your fingertips. It’s an added layer of security that’s easy to use and provides peace of mind.


How can I activate two-factor authentication for my NetConfig access?

1. Install an OTP (One Time Password) app on the smartphone

The OTP app must be compatible with the “TOTP” protocol (Time-based One-Time Password, RFC 6238). We recommend the following apps:

2. Log into NetConfig.

3. In the Package Management menu, click on “Change Package password” or on “Change Customer Password” if you want to activate two-factor authentication for the master login. In this example we will enable two-factor authentication for the Master Login.

4. In the two-factor authentication menu, click on “inactive – click to enable”.

5. Now open the OTP app on your smartphone. In this example we are using the Google Authenticator app. Press “Add a code” and select “Scan a QR Code”.

6. Scan the QR code displayed.

7. The account will now be added to your Google Authenticator app as below.

8. Then paste the token from your Google Authenticator app into the Token field in NetConfig. Finally click on Test Token and Activate.

9. You’re done! You can now log in to the NetConfig Control Panel with 2-factor authentication.

How do I log into NetConfig when 2-factor authentication is activated?

1. Log into NetConfig.

2. Enter your username (package name or customer number) and your password in the fields. Now enter the password generated by the OTP app in the OT Password field and click on Login.

How can I disable NetConfig 2-factor authentication?

1. Log into NetConfig.

2. In the Package Management menu, click on “Change Package Password” or “Change Client Password“.

3. In the 2-factor authentication menu, click on “active – click to deactivate“.

4. The 2-factor authentication was successfully disabled.

How can I activate 2-factor authentication for my webmail access?

1. Install an OTP (One Time Password) app on your smartphone.

The OTP app must be compatible with the “TOTP” protocol (Time-based One-Time Password, RFC 6238). We recommend the following apps:

2. Log into NetConfig.

3. Under the Mail Server category, click on the desired mail server. In this example we go to the mail server

4. Then click the key icon under Access.

5. In the 2-factor authentication (webmail) menu, click on “inactive – click to activate“.

6. Now open the OTP app on your smartphone. In this example we are using the Google Authenticator app. Press “Add a code” and select “Scan a QR Code”.

7. Scan the QR code displayed.

8. The account will now be added to your Google Authenticator app as below.

9. After that, paste the token from your Google Authenticator app into the Token field in NetConfig. Finally click on Test Token and Activate.

9. Done! You can now log into webmail with 2-factor authentication.

How do I log into webmail when 2-factor authentication is activated?

1. Go to Webmail.

2. Enter your email address and password. Now enter the password generated by the OTP app in the 2-factor authentication field and click on Login.

How can I disable 2-factor authentication for webmail?

1. Log into NetConfig.

2. Under the Mail Server category, click on the desired mail server. In this example we go to the mail server

3. Then click the key icon under Access.

4. In the 2-factor authentication (webmail) menu, click on “active – click to deactivate“. You will be prompted to confirm. Click on OK.

5. The 2-factor authentication (webmail) was successfully deactivated.

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